Sunday, May 23, 2010

beautiful life

I know a girl, she's 29.
She has no kids, isn't married. 
Beautiful woman, great job.
She has a "5 Year Plan". It's written down.
I have known her almost 6 years and her "5 Year Plan" has changed at least 5 times.
I can tell you this: I don't have the guts to write down a plan like that.
"What if I CAN'T?!" "That will be too hard!" "I don' wanna!"
(These are the things that I say to myself when I consider making a 5 year plan.)
Ok, so, that being said, that I can't handle making this sort of plan, I still think it's part of the reason she's so happy.  I sincerely think that the reason she's so happy is because each step she takes in her life is towards something, not away from something.

What a responsibility, this life I've been given.  So much possibility and only I can decide to make something of it.  It's exhausting, when it should be exhilarating.  

I intend to be exhilarated, from this day forward.